Welcome Overview Pain Management Symptom Management Common Symptoms: Bowel Management Nausea and Vomiting Fatigue Fatigue Terminal Phase Changing Awareness Withdrawal Pain Altered Elimination Respiratory Changes Agitation or Restlessness Signs of Impending Death Caregiver Support |
The Terminal Phase of Illness Changing Awareness In the final weeks and days of the illness, the dying patient tends to take more frequent short naps, or moments of a change in awareness. Upon awakening or returning awareness, the patient may relate experiences of vivid dreams or waking visions. These experiences often involve themes of “going home”, taking a journey, or seeing relatives that have passed away previously talking to them. There are instances of patients relating a need to “pack my bags” or put on a coat and hat after a dream/vision occurrence. Sometimes religious figures or symbols are envisioned, or a door is seen that must be passed through. These are normal phenomena that are usually comforting to the patient. The caregiver should be prepared for these experiences as an expected part of the dying process so they can listen without fear and encourage the patient share their dreams. |